Techretaries Featured Client:

Chenault Spence, President, Cetana Educational Foundation

Techretaries Featured Client: Chenault Spence, President Cetana Educational Foundation

What they had to say about us:

Techretaries are terrific!

Cetana Foundation is a small non-profit and we use Techretaries for all our IT and print materials – website, newsletters, and solicitations.

The presentation of our message is seamless among the website, email and print mailings. Print is vital for our organization in that one-third of our older donors do not use email.

We especially appreciate their personal service. In [becoming] familiar with our organization, the details that separate customized work from filling in a template are evident.  

All of us at the Foundation hardily recommend Techretaries as your IT department.

The Story

When Cetana came to us, their website needed cleaning up; both the theme and layout were out of date.

As a result, had been hacked, the mobile site was broken, and they were missing out on important communication between their audience and donations to their non-profit organization. They needed a Techretary they could rely on long-term to update content, maintain security, update WordPress and plugins. Cetana is a non-profit, so we made sure to keep solutions within their limited budget.

We were able to restore the website to its former momentum, install Wordfence and SSL certificate for security, and began working on updates.

We created a responsive layout that was tablet and mobile-ready, consolidated repetitive information, and created a space on the homepage for a news feed.

We also introduced Dropbox for file sharing to ensure content updates could be relayed in a convenient way throughout the organization. We also had the opportunity to teach Chenault about email marketing, as applied with Constant Contact marketing tools, and setup email forwarding through GoDaddy. Both allowed Cetana to keep its network informed and important emails organized.

We update content, maintain security, plugins and WordPress updates, as well as assist in quality control for print and email campaigns. We also answer any other tech questions might have for us (Mac cleanup, Gmail, etc).

What We Used:

Macbook Pro





Constant Contact




SSL Certificate


If you have extra questions, send us a message.

Or maybe you’d like us to build you a website, send us a message.

Perhaps you would like something completely different, you guessed it, send us a message.

We love to brainstorm with people about all the different ways of getting a new business up and running or onto the next level.

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