If you thought it wasn’t possible, it is. You don’t need a staff of hundreds to get a Shopify business to grow. But you will need strategic partners.
The ah-hah moment comes in so many forms and today we’re going to discuss two services that will change the way you think about eCommerce and Shopify. And hopefully, provide you with a much-needed sigh of relief. Or maybe a shocked wince when you find out why your competitors are beating you.

“Oh no!!! When did you guys get here?!?”
At Techretaries we recently had the privilege to interface with two companies that cater directly to anyone running an online business. Shipstation and Flexe. They provide Supply Chain Logistics options for eCommerce business owners. Full disclosure, there are plenty of companies that cater to online business owners but we will be discussing the novelty and sheer brilliance of Shipstation and Flexe in the context of the Shopify arsenal.
First up, the Shipstation Shopify app. This app takes all of your potential shipping carriers, UPS, USPS, FedEx, and organizes their rates in one place.
Shipstation also aggregates all of your selling outlets in one place so you don’t have to switch between Shopify, eBay, and Magento in order to organize your shipments. The result is one clean interface that provides access to everything at once.

“For my next trick, I will mash all of these buttons at once.”
Of course part of the majesty of Shipstation is that it’s a Shopify App. Which means if you’ll be doing all of your work in Shopify from now on, assuming you’re not already, this is a good thing. Even using Shopify Plus for $200 a month is cheaper than Magento‘s barely advertised price of somewhere around $50,000 – $250,000 per year.
But then you ask. What happens if I manage to garner enough interest in my eCommerce site using every avenue available and the orders start pouring in. What do I do to keep up with demand? Well, I’m glad you asked. Becuase that leads me to my next point: Flexe.
Flexe rents out warehouse storage and order fulfillment services.
Their business model hinges on filling orders for next day shipping while keeping costs low. Especially when considering smaller eCommerce companies attempting to compete with megaliths like Amazon. The way that Flexe manages this feat is by providing fulfillment centers all over the country with one set of terms and conditions. Allowing small eCommerce business owners to make strategic decisions about where to place fulfillment centers. Without shelling out cash to a new company with different terms of services every time they gain access to a new market. See the link below for great Flexe info graphic vids.
With Shipstation and Flexe combined with Shopify you have every shipping provider, and a network of fulfillment centers all funneling into the backend of your Shopify eCommerce site. Putting your business in a position to not only compete but flourish.

“I love to smell the Cherry Blossoms while I crush my enemies.”
If you have extra questions about Shipstation, Flexe, Shopify or Supply Chain Management send us a message.
Want us to implement Shipstation, Flexe, Shopify or some other form of Supply Chain Management for you, send us a message.
Or even want something completely different, you guessed it, send us a message.
We’re also certified Shopify Partners and can set you up with a free trial and setup an online shop today.
At Techretaries, we love to brainstorm with people about all the different ways of getting a new business up and running or onto the next level.
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