Desktop cluttered with screenshots? Use this helpful tip to send screenshots to their own folder on Mac. PRO TIP: move the remaining files cluttering your desktop to one folder called EVERYTHING.

How to change the destination folder of Screenshots on Mac:

  • STEP 1: Click Spotlight icon (the magnifying glass on the top right)
  • STEP 2: Type “Terminal” and press enter
  • STEP 3: Copy/Paste the following code and hit enter to create a folder named “Screenshots” in your “Documents” folder

mkdir ~/Documents/Screenshots

  • STEP 4: Copy/Paste the following code and hit enter to set this new directory as the destination folder for screenshots

defaults write location ~/Documents/Screenshots

  • STEP 5: Copy/Paste the following code and hit enter so these settings will take immediate effect

To Test:

  • Hold down Command + Shift, Press 3 (Entire Screen)
  • Hold down Command + Shift, Press 3 (Select Area of Screen