Is Your Social Media Strategy Killing Your Business? Crowdfire or Hootsuite.
Is your social media strategy actually doing damage? Maybe. Probably not. But it may not be helping.
It’s easy to watch successful people and companies fill their social media feeds with endless streams of content. But surely they have staff members posting and re-posting in an endless loop. Not surprisingly some do. But surprisingly some don’t.
“But you said we were in this together, Mouse… MOUSE?!?”
It’s all about automation.
Social Media apps like Twitter and Instagram and Facebook all have options to share posts automatically to one another other. But this still requires a time investment to guarantee the quality of your posts.
At Techretaries, we like to start with that standard of quality mind. Would we read it? Or recommend it to someone else. Answer that question first and things should be easy.
Especially if you’re posting to all of your social media accounts yourself.
Take the time to guarantee the standard quality of your posted content aligns with your business goals and your public-facing image. Simply posting an endless stream of content may not inform potential customers what you’re really about. It’s great to get a laugh or a retweet because everybody in the world loves pandas. But unless you sell Pandas (and nobody does…) stay on point with your brand message.
“I can has ‘Buy Panda Now’ too?”
The second option is to use an aggregate source like Crowdfire to help locate post-worthy content and keep the ball rolling.
Crowdfire, (functions like a mobile app even on the desktop) asks for keywords to then provides the user with related content that you then choose to post on your own feed or not. It’s really designed to boost your Twitter game but you can link your Twitter account to your Facebook account. Effectively posting each Tweet to your Facebook timeline. This does create short url’s which will not display pictures, making each post slightly less effective. But the Crowdfire app also allows you to schedule posts for a future date and even prompts you, like a friend texting you during prime posting times to engage the Social Media world with new content. Making it a very effective, friendly, easy to use.
The third option, similar to Crowdfire‘s scheduling option, Hootsuite allows you to schedule posts weeks or months in advance.
Hootsuite, which functions more as a desktop app, allows you to actively monitor your social media streams all within the Hootsuite Dashboard. Allowing you to navigate through all of your social media accounts all in one place. No short url’s or account linking necessary. But Hootsuite doesn’t work to provide you with content. You’ll have to create some yourself or find content created by others on your own.
“I’ll have the lot…”
At the end of the day, it’s really all about keeping people interested. So take your time developing your own content and voice and perspective for your business. But certainly don’t be afraid to utilize these modern advantages to keep things juicy and populated.
If you have extra questions about Crowdfire or Hootsuite send us a message.
Want us to implement Crowdfire or Hootsuite for you, send us a message.
Or even want something completely different, you guessed it, send us a message.
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