Yes Boss Daniel Garcia

Creative Studio
Brooklyn, NY

Years as Client

The Challenge

Over the years, Daniel Garcia has thrown many technical challenges our way. Yes Boss’s work is creatively challenging and they don’t have time to mess around with technical issues (who does?). The first adventure was to archive several cardboard boxes filled with hard-drives and paper spreadsheet lists. The second was to migrate their Cargo Collective website, which they had outgrown, to a more flexible platform that matched their rebrand. And the latest initiative was to create a small network so everyone could share creative assets and rely less on hard-drives.

The Solution

We used Chronosync to consolidate and mirror hard-drives and cataloged each with Neofinder, so he could get away from those spreadsheets. The great thing about Neofinder (besides the fact that it’s been around in some form since 1996) is that you can catalog projects across multiple hard-drives and see how much space is being used from one window. It completely removes the need to plug in a hard-drive.

The website rebrand was done on WordPress. And, since video is the main focus for Yes Boss, we created video slideshow galleries that pulled Vimeo videos so they didn’t have to upload the video twice. Our favorite part of the dev was making the Yes Boss logo change to one of five logo characters on refresh. So fresh!

Our latest endeavor was a huge step for Yes Boss because they had the entire third floor of an old Victorian house. We built a small network with a QNAP server with easy to use interface, used their existing G-RAID as a backup, and connected the workstations through Thunderbolt and ethernet. The beauty of a QNAP with Thunderbolt and Ethernet is you can directly connect and share. So we could get rid of the need for a switch entirely. We also bought new Cat7 cables to give their Wifi a boost. All while being offered copious amounts of sparkling water and playing gypsy jazz on blast.


Though Daniel is DIY and super tech savvy, we continue to support their server and backup whenever beyond in-house troubleshooting.

(not made by us but you've got to see their work.)

“Techretaries has always gone above and beyond with their service whether it’s support for a new server, data backup, or building a website. They’ve kept our systems running smoothly for several years now.”

— Daniel Garcia
Creative Director
Boss Creative