Before I jump in. I know what you’re thinking. Techretaries Affiliate Shop?
Aren’t affiliate shops where house-wives go to earn extra cash by harping on products like Tupperware and MaryKay. Inviting their soccer-mom, Facebook friends to buy overpriced wares so they can reap the commission from their impulsive shopping habits. “The scourge of the suburbs!” You might proclaim loudly before reaching for a bowl to reposit your corn flakes like a staging site for your stomach. Only to realize your sin before it’s too late! You too have succumbed to the wares of Tupper!!!
Yeah, the Techretaries Affiliate Shop is nothing like that. And maybe it should be something like that because apparently, those housewives are cleaning up. But it’s not like that.
“Oh, that? It came free with the yacht. The mini van might still be in the garbage if you want to fish it out…”
Really we just wanted a place to catalog all the great stuff we’ve been using over the years.
This way when people are like,”Why are my images so huge!!!” or “What kind of server should I buy?” We can tell them. And then share a link to purchase the product. And then it’s up to fate. We’re not really interested so much in the commission. We will humbly accept the commission as a token of gratitude. For bravely providing you with links to products somebody else dreamed of, then designed, then produced, then advertised… You get it.
We’re not really doing anything brave at all. But we are proud to say we can easily provide you with the install, setup, and guidance on how to use every product listed. A lot of them are things we use in our everyday business workflows. They provide us with efficient solutions while ushering in the new age of information technology hardware and software. After all, supporting our clients and their many business ventures is our first love. The Techretaries Affiliate Shop is now just an added footnote.
“I thought this was an IT Service Website. Why are you writing notes on my foot?”
Long story short. If you need guidance or recommendations on software or hardware to add to your current business workflow arsenal. Look no further. At the Techretaries Affiliate Shop, we are working to provide you with exactly that.
Here is a list of stuff we’re into currently: Shipstation, Shopify, G-Suite For Business, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Document Cloud, Seagate, Sonnet, Qnap, Western Digital, LaCie, Netgear, HotspotShield, Gemini, JPEG Mini, Century Link, Elegant Themes, OWC.