Yep. Throw away your catalogs.
$7.7 Trillion is the projection for B2B business by the end of 2017. This includes eCommerce wholesalers. But more importantly, this includes wholesalers finding their way to eCommerce and retailers using eCommerce to become wholesalers.
Yes, you read that right. More and more retailers are using online retailer technology to develop wholesale businesses to put out of date suppliers out of business.
If you don’t want to get left behind here are a few things to consider:
1. Paper Catalogs Are Dead:
While it may be effective to issue paper catalogs and take orders over the phone with checks in the mail. New businesses are not excited about flipping through old catalogs to find specific products. They want searchable inventory and they want the most current prices. If you can’t provide- they will go somewhere else. And if you’re the only provider they will resent you and jump ship the first chance they have.
“I don’t touch paper catalogs, I only use my hands for super-hip, experiential, non-animal petting zoos.”
2. Become Your Buyer:
If you’re already a successful wholesaler, you have an amazing opportunity to expand your business by putting your wholesale business online and then becoming a retailer. This will create more competition and improve your public profile. Making it easier for other B2B businesses to find you and utilize your services.
“I already know what your customers are buying, Bob. Because it’s the same stuff you’re buying from me.”
3. Automation Saves Time and Money:
Using eCommerce platforms like Shopify and Shopify+ you have the ability to automate 80% of your repeat orders. That’s right, you can skip the emails and phone calls. If one of your retail clients orders the same things over and over again, you can automate. Saving money, but most importantly- saving time.
“I don’t know why they keep ordering so many pairs of children’s sunglasses at the nursing home, but we’re going to fill that order!!!”
If these reasons aren’t enough to convince you that Wholesale eCommerce is a blossoming industry designed to make lives easier and more profitable- reach out to us at Techretaries. We will gladly walk you through the kinds of opportunities that wait for you on the other side. Because after all, businesses thrive on innovation. And in today’s market going paperless is the way of the future. So, it’s time to throw away your catalogs, or eventually, another younger, smarter faster wholesale business might find away to attract your customers online.
Techretaries are a thriving dot com business with enough savvy and connections to set you up. Reach out to discuss Wholesale eCommerce or other ways you may want technology to improve your life.
If you need a Shopify website look no further. We develop and support Shopify shops.
And if you’re looking for sweet deals on electronics that can improve your business workflows: check out our Affiliate page.
If none of this applies to you but you kept reading, thank you. We hope you enjoyed the ride.
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